How to Apply
If you would like your child to come to St. Mary’s Pre-School, you will need to fill in an application form. We recommend that you do this well in advance as we usually have a waiting list. Children can attend our pre-school from age two-and-a-quarter (in the academic year that they are three) but readiness for pre-school depends very much on the individual child. Many parents opt for two sessions initially and then build on this as their child becomes able to manage more.
Your application form should be returned, together with our £20 registration fee*, to St Mary’s Pre-School, c/o The Parish Office, Causeway, Horsham RH12 1HE.
We allocate places about six months before the academic year your child is due to start at pre-school, on a first come first served basis. If you accept our offer of a place, we ask for a £85 enrolment fee* which includes a pre-school rucksack and polo shirt. At this time, we will give you the opportunity to express your preference for the sessions you would like your child to attend.
* Please note, these fees are partially refundable (less the costs of uniform and rucksack) if only Free Entitlement funded sessions are taken up.