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The Pre-School Day

We are open Monday - Thursday 8.30 am - 3.30 pm and Friday 8.30 - 12.30 pm during term time.  Morning sessions are open to everyone, afternoon sessions are for those children who will start school the following September.

Morning Session  8.30 - 11.30am


The pre-school day starts at 8.30am.  We have self registration and then planned activities such as making play-dough are offered alongside free play. We have music time, which could include songs, rhymes, playing instruments and dancing followed by snack time where children are encouraged to drink milk or water and eat some fruit, vegetables and breadsticks. Water is available in case children are thirsty at any other time.  Snack time is followed by further free play and planned activities. At the end of the morning we will tidy up together and have story time or occasionally a large group activities such as pancake races.  The children learn to put their own coats and bags on and we sit together ready to be collected at 11.30am.

Lunch Club 11.30am - 12.30pm

Our Lunch Club runs from 11.30am until 12.30pm.  This session is not covered by the free entitlement and a charge is therefore made.  The children have a short play outside or an activity in the classroom while the morning only children leave

and other children arrive.  They will then wash their hands and sit down together to eat their packed lunch brought from home.  We allow plenty of time for eating in a relaxed, carefully supervised way. Staff eat with the children to create a friendly, “family” atmosphere.

Afternoon session 12.30 to 3.30pm


These sessions are just for the children who will start school the following September. The children have the opportunity to take part in more challenging activities in the afternoon sessions, such as investigating shadows or how to stop ice from melting.  We finish the afternoon with a snack, a Spanish session and a large group activity such as a puppet show or skittles game followed by a story.

Call us:

07510 303043

Find us: 

20 Denne Road, Horsham RH12 1JF

© St Marys Pre-School

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